Employee Spotlight – Vance Haugen

Vance HaugenWell, it’s finally happened – our employee spotlight has shone its beam into the deep and dark world of our sales department. No matter the risk to body and soul, your intrepid reporter will brave this chasm of depravity and malfeasance* to bring you ever closer to understanding the people who make SJF tick.

Today, we get to meet Vance Haugen. Vance would be considered one of the elder statesmen of the sales department, having been here since 2007. Let’s learn a little more about Vance Haugen and what drives him to be one of SJF’s top-notch solutions specialists.

*It has been brought to my attention that not everybody would take this as the joke that it is. I truly like and admire all of my coworkers, but it’s always fun to give them a bit of a hard time – especially the sales guys.

Name: Vance Haugen

When did you start working at SJF? April, 2007

What do you like most about working at SJF? Working with my associates.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work? Golfing and spending time with my grandchildren.

What’s your favorite day of the week? Friday.

Biggest pet peeve? When I’m supposed to be somewhere and other people are holding me up.

What is something about you that people would be surprised to know? I enjoy cooking.